Headed over to Gibraltar today. Was nice because we are so close it was only a 30 minute ride. Trip started out funny we drove over the boarder so had to stop and show our passports, then you go about 100 feet and you have to show it again. Were like didn't we just show them, he said that was in another country. :) guess usually when you take a plane you show it in the departure city then again in the arrival, but driving across is a bit different.
Anyway first thing you notice this year since its 2012 is the Queen of England's face everywhere. I guess her Diamond Jubilee or her 60th year on the thrown is being celebrated this week. I didn't think she was that old but i guess she really isn't cause she took the thrown at the age of 21.

The main site in Gibraltar is The Rock and the Monkeys on the Rock. So we took the Funicular up to the tippy top. Nice 6 minute ride up, not too bad considering it took us over 3 hours to walk back down. Anyway as soon as you get to the top, theres a monkey sitting there staring at you thru the window. You'd be surprised how intimidating they are since i know they are not very nice if they think they can get some food off you. They are very cute from a safe distance, after taking in the view from the top we started our decent, the first thing you see along the way are monkeys monkeying around. There were some babes rolling around, we saw some others eating carrots. Odd thing there is the carrots they would bite and spit out, maybe they use them to brush their teeth. Who knows.

So the first thing to see on the way down is a natural cave into the mountain. Its nice but old and kinda drying up. Having seen many caves in the US it wasn't that impressive. From the cave you have to walk all the way to the other side of the rock. I think its a bit over 2 miles or right around that so it took awhile, lots of monkeys along the way. Quinn had an encounter with one that used him as a jump point, not bad but guess they don't clip their nails cause he had some pretty good marks on his shoulder and was quite freaked out. Once we hit the other side of the Rock we went into the Tunnels, now these were cool. Built around 1700 if I recall they had canon wholes for the standoff against the spanish. The whole thing was very impressive and the stories along they way as the hypothesis about why there is a window not used for a canon, was it a wrong turn or a way to check which way to dig next. Apparently the tunnels go around much of the Rock now they were expanded for WWI, however they expanded it so quickly that their not that stable so we couldn't check them out.
After the tunnels we saw an old town that the english were stuck in while being barricaded by the spanish, illness killed more of the town than the battles. We also saw an old castle which was said to be the last stand against the enemy, once lost access to the Rock would be lost. So once down the hill you'd think you would be done. Right it was only 6 minutes up, but nope gotta take a ton of stairs to get back down to main street. Gonna be sore in the morning.
Last thing for the day was the way out, we decided to take the coast road all the way around the Rock before heading to the boarder. There is a real cool lighthouse on the farthest point, you could see Africa very easily, its amazing how close it is. The other side of the Rock is very impressive there are a few houses but mostly just shear cliffs. No wonder they didn't have to defend that side, only insane people would try to take Gibraltar from the back side.