Drove over from Estepona spain to Lisbon today. The drive was about 6 hours we really didn't stop. We did see some giant towers that Joe said had mirrors on them that directed the light down to solar panels. It looked very shinny and contrasting against the country side. Other than that the drive was fields and open area.
Lisbon greeted us with a giant statue the I associate more with Rio de Janeiro. But now that i think about it thats Brazil and they speak portuguese so not sure which one came first but its gigantic and looks over the city with open arms.

This place is extremely hilly so after Gibraltar yesterday I really won't be walking much tomorrow, my legs are sore. It has trolly cars like San Francisco, but from what I can tell its not strait lines or simple routes those things go all over. An unlike San Francisco which i think of rolling hills this seems to just have a few rolls up each side. From our hotel we walked down to the castle or at least it was down until you get to the coast and realize you then have to climb to the highest part of Lisbon cause where else would they build a castle. So up up we went. It was an impressive castle but I must stay with Quinn its always a bit stressful. Narrow steps, no railings and a free for all to touch everything. A kids dream, so after saying be careful for the 10th time i just try to not watch and hope he makes it back.
Along our walk there and back we saw lots of statues, cool side walks, even the big building with a graffiti like alligator painted on it.
We ate dinner at a place along one of the main walks, and two very interesting things. One the meal came with bread fine, and with the bread came butter, cheese spread and Sardine Paste. Huh.. no thank you. But wait take a look at the pile o spinach on the right. Or at least i think it was spinach.
One last comment on odd things, Quinn says our hotel doors look like luggage in an airplane. The hall being the airplane hull and the doors the luggage. This picture doesn't do it justice but take a look and you be the judge.
Tomorrow off to my moms town Granon Spain, its about a 9 hour drive from here but once there we will likely do a lot of nothing for the week. Can't wait.