Brr... its cold and rainy. So we took advantage of the undergroung (subway). We started at the tower of london. Saw the crown jewels, saw where people were killed. These english kings have a long history. We went to tower bridge and walked way up top, amazing the hydrolics they came up with in the 1800s. Since it was still raining we then hit the british museum. This place is interesting because you see everthing thats not on this continuent. There are huge greek statues, egyption tumbs and lots of pottery. They have a large libary and a neat exhibit on the history of money. So after this off we went again to check out St Pauls cathedral, Big ben and Westminister. These were all closed by the time we arrived but the outsides were cool looking anyway. So off to dinner .. hopefully we can see inside big ben tommorrow before we take the chunnerl into France.
Additional Pictures... http://members.cox.net/gtojoe/London/
Sounds like fun! Get yourselves in some of these pictures, ok? :) Enjoy chunneling!
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