Had to get up bright and early to catch that 7am flight to Dallas. But atleast the pilot made us laugh here are some of his safety comments..."Paul simon says there are only 50 ways to leave a lovers, but on this aircraft there are only a few ways to leave" "If you are seated next to a child or someone acting like child make sure to put your mask on first then theirs".
So on our way into Mexico city there are two things you see.. lots and lots of houses and lots and lots of colorful houses. Evey house was a diffrent color even from the air you could see this. Driving around Mexico city to get to the hotel looked alot like any other city with millions upon millions of people. Our driver gave us a bit of information.. 25% of the population of mexico lives in this one city.
Going out to dinner now. Its suppose to be an authentic mexican restaurant that is suppose to have dancers from diffrent regions of Mexico City.
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