Monday, July 28, 2008

Canada 2008 - Day 1 to 3

So we start our trip the plan is to go strait north all the way up to Jasper. Then go back down and west to vancouver and then back home avoiding california fires if possible.

So we head our of town late friday and have rain from cortez junction all the way past Flagstaff. Not looking very positive for camping out. But it did eventually clear up and then we just had to avoid the suicidal deer. Anyway we made it to Bryce and stayed the night in the Red Canyon. We rolled in about 2 am so no real pickings left on camp sites. It was a bit noisy in the morning because we ended up close to the road. But oh well.

The next day we slept in then headed to Manti, UT to see a friends second home. The town is very cute nestled up against the mountain with the big temple on a hill in the middle. It has a very layed back feeling. From there we headed more north thru provo then salt lake city into Idaho all the way up into montana. We next stopped at Deer Lodge, mainly because they had a car museum which ended up being part of a prison that was used before the place was a state. Never been in or seen a prison before so that was interesting. We stayed the night at a reservoir called Clark Resovoir just south of Dillon Idaho. It was a great location and campground and better yet it was free. The next morning the only noise we had to worry about was a couple flocks of geese and boy are they noisy.

So finally we get to destination number one Glacier National Park. We arrived early found a camp site about 1/3 of the way into the park then backtracked a bit to check out the sites. There is alot of snow still up there so its hard to tell whats a glacier and whats a pile of snow. At around 7 we took an hour boat ride around Lake Mcdonald, it was a nice start with alot of information on the park. After the ride we went for a hike to one of the falls near the lake. The sun stays up till about 9:30pm so you have alot of time in a day. There are alot of rules in the campgrounds in glacier due to the bears so we ate at the lodge on Lake Mcdonald and just went back to camp to sleep. Luckly no bears this night.

So now we come to today which we woke up about 6:30 to try and beat the crowds and get to a hike on the other side of the park. So we headed down the Going to the Sun road that runs thru the park. Very nice drive, if you ever drove down to Tortilla flats its very similar but bigger mountains. We stopped to see a number of things at one of our stops we ran into some mountain goats. They eventually came all the way down the hill and were within a foot of the path. Quinn got a big kick out of that. So from there we went up to logan pass which is at the tippy top on the continental divide. Up there we saw some big horned sheep just hanging out. So then down the other side of the mountain. We stopped and hiked in about 1.5 miles to victoria falls, a great hike that runs up the river so you see alot of little falls leading up to the grand finally. From here since we were making such good time we decided to hit some of hte parks other areas. We went to an area called Many Glaciers it has a Alpine like chalet which was built in the early 1900s to entice visitors to the American Alps. From there we hiked in about 1.8 miles to some not so impressive falls. But on the way in we did get to see two huge moose in the river eatting. So that made it worth it. Next stop the canadian side of the park called Waterton.
It has an impressive hotel up on a hill over looking the late and the little town of Waterton. We just did a little driving and walking around then headed out. It seems like a very relaxing area not as impressive at first but once we went down one of the canyons it was picture perfect. On the way our we became part of a bear jam. A little ol brown black bear was eatting id assume huckleberrys (apparently they are in season and bears favorites) on the side of the road. That was a highlight. So now we are in Calgary, downtown and I feel like im in Phoenix. They have a few sky rises, everything is under construction and there are freeky people everywhere. So tommorrow off to Banff.

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