Finally a trip we took our time. We took our time getting ready and made it to ShowLow AZ the first night. Quinn carved the pumpkin he picked up at a farm thru school. It was a messy job but he survived.

Sunday we headed out from there. Went thru the petrofied forest and painted desert. Always a nice site. From there we went thru new mexico onto texas panhandle. Stopped at a route 66 museum, it had some interesting history on the route. We stayed at a state park sunday night just off 40. Next we kept heading east to Okalahoma city.

We spent a couple hours at the zoo there. We saw some apes, rhinoserous, large birds, and some sea lions and seals. It was a pretty nice place. From there we went to Tulsa then into the Buffalo river area for the night.

We stayed at a nice campsite called lost valley with a trail that leads up to a cave with a waterfall in it. It requied a bit of crawling so Quinn and Joe went on in and I enjoyed the leaves from the outside. There are alot of yellow leaves in some areas you can see red and even pinky looking trees. Later that day we went to blanchard spring caverns.

They are really cool caves aparently there are three levels we did the top one.

There are huge piles of bat guanna (poop) with is wild since its over 50 years old and thats just the fresh stuff on top. From there we drove thru Branson MO, it had the whole lights and show stuff like vegas but nothing very interesting looking. We stayed the night outside springfield MO and are on our way to St Louis shortly. Pictures will come shortly just trying to find a model T place joe recalls the last time we went thru here.
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