Friday, September 15, 2006
Sept 15th 2006 - Seattle Washington
Saturday we we walked down to the piers for lunch and ended up deciding on Red Robin. We sat out on the patio looking out into the water. It was nice and relaxing. We then made our way to old town area and took the Underground tour. Wow does Seattle have some crazy history. So after lots and lots of walking we headed back to the hotel to get ready to go out. We had dinner at an English Pub near the hotel. Shan and Collette went out late while Irene and I bailed early. They came back laughing like crazy people, they went down to the loby and had a jolly time I hear. After raiding the liquor cabinet that is.
Sunday we walked around at the market to see what they had. We ate and then headed to the aquarium. Saw some real neat wild life.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Aug 3rd - Aug 6th California

Saturday we went to the beach. Played in the sand. The guys attempted to boogie board. Quinn was taken down by a wave and was not happy being covered with sand from head to toe.

Sunday back to disneyland for more fun. Quinn met and got autographs from Buzz LightYear and Goofy. Went on the rocket ship again. Then on the Dumbo ride. Today we split up kid duty so the adults could go on some of the rides. Everyone went on thunder mountain while me and the kids went on Poohs adventure.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

There was a march scheduled to go down the main street Reforma this day so we decided to go out to the pyramids. The drive was crazy, there were houses upon houses eveywhere all the way out of the city. Each little mountain had houses almost to the top. There are no roads, and the houses almost look like steps. We stopped for lunch at a little cafe near the pyramids then drove over to the entrance. They had just closed the entrance but Nacho was able to ask them to let us in since this was our only chance to see them. So we rushed out to the Pyramid of the Sun and were allowed about half way up. We were out of breath by then so not really a big deal. The thing was massive the steps were steap and it had all these rocks jutting out. So this must have been what they considered a rock climbing wall. The whole area from the top was neat to

Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Day 2 - Closer Look at Mexico City

Only one word describes this day, WOW! Let me go find the napkin with the list of WOW’s for the day. The start of the day was early.. 4am AZ time… ugg. The training we did went well; everyone was very pleasant and understood enough English to get the gist. So after the training ended around one, we went back to the hotel to relax until our next appointment at 3pm.
Our appointment came and picked us up at the hotel to take us to their corporate office. The building was phenomenal; huge the views were great, the technology amazing, and the hospitality wonderful. So the visit started with us parking the car down in the basement. We noticed all the cars are double parked, so we asked how does the person you’re blocking get out, well the keys are left with a gentlemen that watches the cars and he moves them when necessary along with washing them inside and out if desired. Next we are taken upstairs for a presentation and demonstration of the companies’ technologies. The entrance had a red carpet with our name welcoming us. The rooms had seamless doors some even looked like walls and then they would just part. They have ways to text message from a pc to a cell phone or many cell phones as well as scheduling these messages for different days. Then the kicker for Jada was the waiter that came to take drink orders, and one of the gentlemen ordering a cappuccino. So then prior to leaving they showed us a top floor with their eating area and a patio with a spectacular view of tree covered mountains and a lot of city.

On the way back to the hotel traffic was bumper to bumper the entire way... this was around 6pm. I don’t even know where to begin on the things we learned on this ride. Lets start with the police officers... they are everywhere armed with machine guns... and the police cars drive with their lights on a lot and it doesn’t mean you have to pull over. Although we did see a police man without his lights on turn them on to run a red light but then change his mind and turn them back off again... guess he wasn’t in a rush after all. We saw buses that from the front look like armored cars... these buses we also saw driving with the back and front doors open and people hanging out like it was a trolley but the bus wasn’t going that slow. The roads don’t seem to have lane lines and red lights seem to only be suggestions in many cases. There were people in the streets selling everything under the sun... the strangest was masks of the presidential candidates. We saw some amazing houses as well on vertical cliffs along the roads.
An interesting culture thing we found out was a car driving by with flowers on the hood was likely because it was a recent purchase and in their culture they take themselves and the car to the local priest to be blessed.
We ended the evening with a walk to the Hard Rock Café down the street where we made a list on a napkin of all the strange things we did or saw today.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Day 1 - Mexico City at Night

We went to a mexican restaurnat this evening that had singing and dancing. The outfits on the ladies were incredible colorful. Of course i forgot to put the memory back in the camera so all I had was the camera on the phone. Kick me now. Anyway along with the colorful dresses there was a harpest that was incredible and the stomping they do with their feet. The food was good we tried mole.. yuck.. peppers and chocolate is what it is.. yuck .. but hey we tried it. I had a meat platter and it was all very strange except for some pearl onions and a beef cut called something with an A that was delisious. There was cactus also on the menu and get this instead of caviar they have ant eggs as a delacasee. No thank you. I wont even try that!
Day 1 - Mexico City

Had to get up bright and early to catch that 7am flight to Dallas. But atleast the pilot made us laugh here are some of his safety comments..."Paul simon says there are only 50 ways to leave a lovers, but on this aircraft there are only a few ways to leave" "If you are seated next to a child or someone acting like child make sure to put your mask on first then theirs".
So on our way into Mexico city there are two things you see.. lots and lots of houses and lots and lots of colorful houses. Evey house was a diffrent color even from the air you could see this. Driving around Mexico city to get to the hotel looked alot like any other city with millions upon millions of people. Our driver gave us a bit of information.. 25% of the population of mexico lives in this one city.
Going out to dinner now. Its suppose to be an authentic mexican restaurant that is suppose to have dancers from diffrent regions of Mexico City.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Day 14 - England
Day 13 - England
Day 12 - France to England
Day 11 - France to Versallies
Day 10 - Vitoria to Saint Emilion
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Day 9 - Granon to Vitoria

We had to get up early to head to a winery tour my cousin setup for us. So we went to a small town in the Basque country that boarders La rioja (wine area) and is part of the Rioja wine organization. The town where the winery is is all the way on top of a hill, all original surounded by a wall with a church and houses within. So after somehow finding a spot on the narrow streets we walk into what looks like a residence but is actually a bodega. They are two of the only artisan wineries in their town. The first thing you see is big holding tanks with pictures of them stepping on the grapes. They still step on the grapes first and then after that use a press to lightly get anything else. The stems and seeds that are left over and sent back to the vinards and used as fertilizer. So next she show us the map of the town, under each house are tunnels that were originally used when the area was a fortification. Later the tunnels were turned into bodegas. So down the steps we go. This place had three tunnels. The first directly below the stoping tanks is used to forment the wine. It is and open concreate basin, but the room is closed of during the process. The next room is where they keep the barrels, they make about 35K bottles of wine a year. The last room is the tasting room, it contains arches that supposidly the nobels would only drink wine under the arches because it showed their rank. So after seeing all these neat original old things we went to see where my other cousin works. He works in a bottling company that everything is new, they have huge stainless steel tanks that they keep the wine and a new production floor located in a wharehouse in an industrial part of town. Very diffrent setting. So then we head for lunch in Vitoria, I belive it is the capital of the basque country. After lunch in my cousins bar we head to the old town (casco viejo) to see the cathedral. It is in the process of being restored but it is open to the public during the restoration. So you walk in on scafolding underneath where the original floor would have been and the show you and older structure from 1200 ad they discovered under the floor. As in many cathedrals there are barried nobelmen and bishops but as part of this escavation they found hundreds of skeletons under the floors. Id say they must have escavated 30 feet below where the floor would have been. The whole project is based on getting to the foundation so they can reinforce it inorder to save the structure. It is situated on a hill so alot of the columns have started to shift under presure. Thats about the extent of todays activities. Tommorrow we head back into france hopefully we have connectivity.
Day 8 - Granon

Joe was feeling much better, we had to get up earlier because we had to be down at the other church of the town La Ermita de Carasquedo. Which I'd say is about 1 km away or so. This part is all new to me but on May 1st it is the churches patron saint day, so what they do it take a statue of the patron saint from that church up to the town church. In august or september they do the opposite. So we walk down to the Ermita and go to mass. They have a song that is sung that says we your children of Granon thank you and so on and so forth. They then take the statue out side where people pay their thanks then dancers begin to dance and they carry the statue toward the town. Four people on each corner have to hold the statue and carry it all the way up. The dancer danced on all the flat areas and rested on the hills. People switched carrying the statue and eveyone else walked behind. Then as we reached town a statue of the patron saint of the church in town comes out to meet the other statue and welcome her home. An elder of the town says a little thing the dancers dance and they carry the two statues into the church into town. Its an amazing thing that they do every year. This marks the end of the festivities so there is a mass exodis from the town. That night we actually went to bed by midnight.
Day 7 - Granon
Day 6 - Granon
Day 5 - Tours to Granon

Nothing of real interest here just lots of driving. I will say the toll roads in France are crazy expensive. One section was about 27 Euros the other 20 something as well. We did stop for lunch/dinner in Biarritz France. Very close to the boarder with spain, suppose to be known for its sandy beaches. For me the fact that there are these huge rock bolder cliff things with beaches in between was diffrent. There were waves that some people were trying to surf, I say trying becuase they sure didnt stay up for long if they even did stand up. After leaving France as we went into spain we hit a traffic jam.. complete stand still some car somehow went behind some construction baricades and was smashed up. Joe found it interesting because somehow the car lost its motor. So we roll into my moms town around 9pm. No one knew we were comming because we were not suppose to arrive until the next day. Note someting odd about europe is the sun was just setting at the time we rolled in so it really wasnt too late. Anyway so we go to one aunts house and no ones there. Oh no you would normally think but not in this town, here you do this.. you first check the others aunts house, on the way you cover half the town and two of the three bars, still no luck as the old ladies sitting in the corner and they will point the way to someone you are related to. So anyway to make a long story short we found my aunts. So this is wear i narate for joe.. we meet my cousins and second cousins and ate dinner. Everyone eats eggs at about 10:30pm. We found out that monday would be a big procession in honor of the patron saint of the towns second church, and that one of my 2nd cousins would be dancing (her & 10 guys).
Friday, April 28, 2006
Day 4 Paris to Tours

Thursday -
We woke up later and headed headed to an Island in the middle of the river that houses Notra Dame and Saint Chapell cathedral(Sorry about the spelling). So first we did Chapell this is a church in the middle of an old private kings home. Its small you walk in on the lower level and it has arches and some stained glass then you take a tiny spriral staircase up to the second level, which is where the king would have service , the lower was for servents. As soon as you walk up you are surounded by huge stain glass windows. You barley notice anything else all the rest of the struckure just kinda disapears. Very Cool. So on to Notra Dame, I waited in line to go up to the tower while joe looked around when he came back since I had not moved we decided to just see the inside. More stain glass windows and some other ornate church stuff. On our way out people were protesting something.. didnt think anything of it then we decided to walk around the cathedral to see the arches on the back side. Very nice garden on the other end more attractive than the front. On the way back around police started showing up with there big shields so we took the liberty to head back to the hotel to start our journey to spain.
En Route to Spain -
We headed out of town not too bad we were lucky enough to be able to get on one road and just stay on it to get out. We took one detour before we reached our current destination there is a scenic drive thru the country side to see some of the 150 or so gigantic vacation homes of the kings of europe. These were amazing places. The drive was a good but narrow road trees and wild life all around. Some little villages now and then, but those houses we passed on occasion where huge. One has 440 rooms and is the biggest in the area.
Anyway, off we go again heading to the frech wine country then onto spain. May try to get there today but we will see.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Day 4 - London & Paris

France isnt quite as connected as England was. We are now in Tours about 3 hourse southwest of Paris in a Holiday Inn. So as a recap...
Wednesday London -
We went to see Westminister abbey in the morning. There are alot of tombs in this place, some of the names we recognized was Dalton and Sir Issac Newton. So then we rushed back to the hotel to catch the train. The train ride was quick the chunnel was just a long tonel i think about 30 miles maybe. Dont remember exactly. The only notable things about the train ride here was the speed. The GPS we have when it had coverage clocked us at close to 200 miles per hour.
Wednesday Paris -
After arriving at the train station we picked up our car and headed toward the hotel. Unfortunatly and also maybe luckly, a little of both, it was rush hour. The bad thing is you dont get anywhere fast, the good thing is neither does anyone else so not too many people cut us off. The only crazy intersection was the one with the arc of the triumph, which is one big roundabout with way too may streets going in and out. So after finding the hotel we walked up the main street Champs all the way to the park at the end. At the entrance to the park there is a perfect little stand that beckons you to buy crepes or waffles. We had a strawberry crepes, yummy. So we then walked thru the park to the louve, which was open till 9:45pm. We saw the greek venus statue some more egyption and other paintings. We saw the mona lisa which looked rather small being that it was in the center of a huge room by itself. Did I mention the Louve is huge and the steps overwhelming. We were tired so after seeing the main sites we headed out. We then decided to check out the eiffle tower, so we crossed the river and took the river walk way all the way down to the tower. You would think at 10-10:30 things would be slowing down but far from it. After waiting in line for tickets, you then take one elevator up to the 2nd floor. From there you wait again to go to the top. And oh my is it tall. The 2nd floor is above all the building in paris, thats the fat piece of the tower but then you go up the skinny piece and you are very very high. And the tower was packed. Everything was all lit up so it was real neat. Well after eventually making our way back down we found a bar still open, 12:30am, and had dinner. Then to bed.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Full day of London

Brr... its cold and rainy. So we took advantage of the undergroung (subway). We started at the tower of london. Saw the crown jewels, saw where people were killed. These english kings have a long history. We went to tower bridge and walked way up top, amazing the hydrolics they came up with in the 1800s. Since it was still raining we then hit the british museum. This place is interesting because you see everthing thats not on this continuent. There are huge greek statues, egyption tumbs and lots of pottery. They have a large libary and a neat exhibit on the history of money. So after this off we went again to check out St Pauls cathedral, Big ben and Westminister. These were all closed by the time we arrived but the outsides were cool looking anyway. So off to dinner .. hopefully we can see inside big ben tommorrow before we take the chunnerl into France.
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