Monday, August 04, 2008

Vancouver to Victoria

In Vancouver we went to Stanley Park. I would say it is their version of central park. It is a huge park on a peninsula. We were going to the aqarium but found a water park with sprinklers and fire hydrens and water pistols that was more appealing. Quinn had a grand old time. After that we headed for the ferry to get to vancouver island. That was interesting you basicly wait in line and then they direct you from that line onto the boat. We were in the front fow so we had a ocean front view. on the upper decks you could sit and watch inside or go up another level and walk the ship. Very nice views, it was about an hour and 45 minutes to get to the island. We found a hotel last night and were planning on leaving today. But today is BC Day, i guess a celebration of British colombia as a state. Anyway there are a bunch of music acts and things about. Im not sitting on the park lawn waiting for quinn and joe. We just saw the Snowbirds (white jets) fly in numerous formations very low and very loud. So anyway we will be exploring the island today and see if we can see some of the acts tonight.

1 comment:

joshua said...

Loved it.