We left phoenix about 15 minutes late so around 8pm AZ time. I ordered special meals on the pain so they were actually half way decent. Quinn slept most of the way, feet on one person and head on the other. Must be nice to be that small. Joe and I were able to catch up on some movies. Each seat had its own private theater on the back of the seat in front of them so you could watch whatever you felt like.

and stop and start it as much as you wanted. Worked out well. I watch Clash of the Titans, Valentines day and the bounty hunter. so that took up 6 hours of the 9 hour flight. Sleep didnt take up the other three. Oh well. So the second day we went over to Bodium Castle. Quinn really got to step into midevil times. Almost literally. He put on some kids chainmail, breast plate, sword, shield and helmet. After being dressed we had 30 seconds before he said it was all too heavy. So we ditched the shield and had a few more moments of pictures. Quinn also tried his hand at the bow and arrow. Not so impressive, the animals got away but the grass had a beatting. But he stepped up in history and tried out a machine gun. little better aim there he actually hit some of hte buildings.

The castle it self is very good for kids. The middle is all open but it still has some towers intact. You walk up very tight windy stair cases to the tippy top tower and get a great view.

On the way up you see some old fireplaces and the original pit toilets. but in this case instead of a hole in the ground it dumps out into the moat. yuck.

The moat looked very moat like, green and slimy with gigantic fish. they were so big they looked like they could eat you hand or foot. After our fill of the castle we were able to watch a demonstration of a caterpolt. They say they use to use hot white sand in the old days but inorder not to hurt anyone they use water bombs and cantelopes today. They fired it off into the moat. something you wouldnt see here. No lines for safty just a warning that they have been known to fire backwards so he told the people behind they may want to move. But it was up to them.

After a picnic lunch we went off to see where Winnie the Pooh is from. We took a nice walk down to Pooh bridge thru the 100 acre woods (alhtough the map said 5 acres or something like that). We had some pooh sticks but the water was a bit low so we just contributed to the damb building up for the most part. It was a nice walk. Today we relax and hang with the family after we go pick some strawberries and rasberries. Yummy im looking forward to that. Yesterday we polished off a big ol basket of fresh cherryies. Gotta love summer in the country.
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