Busy day just relaxin. Gotta love it. In the morning we went and ate.. oh i mean picked fresh strawberries and rasberries. The stawberries were yum-me. Its amazing what type of road they consider a wide road. Glad im not driving, too many cars, wrong side of the road and roads smaller than our dirt roads with card parked everywhere so they are even skinnier.
After getting a lot of fruit we went back for a family get togeather. Quite a large group there were 3 generations of cousins. Quinn played cars with his gen cousin, then they also played some lawn janga. They then played an interesting bowling sticks lawn game. Should try to find one for phoenix it was quite fun. There were 12 sticks counting from 1 to 12 and then a bigger stick you would throw at them. if you knock one down you get the value of the stick if you knock more you get the number you knocked down. you have to get exactly 25 to win. and if you get none three times in a row your suppose to be out but they just start your points back at zero. Tommorrow off to London bright and early. Quinn will get to ride the tube (their underground) should be interesting.
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