Next stop was Stone Henge. Definitely impressive even though you can't go up close to he stones. The crazy part is the stones are huge but 1/3 of the total stone is actually under ground. This is how these things are still standing upright. They have no idea why they were built. But they do know the stones come from a little but away so they must of had one neat contraption to get them into their current location. One thing we noticed is there were a ton of workers preparing the site for something. Then we saw the sign, summer solstice is Friday morning.
So next stop another less famous henge Avebury. This place has a giant hill that was actually man made, and then a lot of smaller ones. The big one they are not sure it's purpose but the smaller ones are old graves. I shall never took at a mound of dirt in the same way. Anyway these items are outside the actual circle so we went into town, only parking was at a pub so we decided to pay for our parking by having a drink and some desert.
Always up for a good chat I asked the guy about the solstice. This guy was a local since a kid, considered himself a rock hugger, respect the rocks. Anyway I think he said that in the 80s they would go out for a few weeks to celebrate the solstice at stone henge. They'd have a free concert with a lot of spirit, he compared it to their own little Woodstock. But then it started getting routy so the government brought in some brute force and started closing the henge before the solstice. Now it's open again because some local changed his name to Arthur Pendragon and claimed his right to worship there. Anyway the site is now setup for 20k people to watch the sun come up but is heavily policed. In the town of Avebury the bar sets up an area, the guy said last year the police setup an area where people could drop off their weed and not get in trouble but if they were caught there was trouble. Not much of a surprise they had no volunteers giving up their stash. Anyway this towns circle wraps most of the town and it has other areas like an avenue or something with a lot of rocks. Anyway a good day learning about the area.
Always up for a good chat I asked the guy about the solstice. This guy was a local since a kid, considered himself a rock hugger, respect the rocks. Anyway I think he said that in the 80s they would go out for a few weeks to celebrate the solstice at stone henge. They'd have a free concert with a lot of spirit, he compared it to their own little Woodstock. But then it started getting routy so the government brought in some brute force and started closing the henge before the solstice. Now it's open again because some local changed his name to Arthur Pendragon and claimed his right to worship there. Anyway the site is now setup for 20k people to watch the sun come up but is heavily policed. In the town of Avebury the bar sets up an area, the guy said last year the police setup an area where people could drop off their weed and not get in trouble but if they were caught there was trouble. Not much of a surprise they had no volunteers giving up their stash. Anyway this towns circle wraps most of the town and it has other areas like an avenue or something with a lot of rocks. Anyway a good day learning about the area.
Tonight we are staying in an old house converted to a country club. Nice place.