Saturday, June 01, 2013

Day 8: UK 2013 (To Edinburgh)

Had a great day yesterday watching a cousin get married.  It was a beautiful ceremony and reception.  Tried an interesting drink called PIMS, it was very fruity and yummy.  The other interesting thing I learned is instead of hats ladies can where little things in their hair called fascinators, very cute.

 Well today we took the train from London King's Cross to Edinburgh.   I guess King's Cross is part of the Harry potter series cause ere was a train platform called 9 3/4 that went right thru a wall.  There was a shopping cart that appeared to have gotten stuck before it made it all the way thru.  So the train ride was pleasant Joe clocked us at one point going 120mph.  The scenery out the window was rolling hills, allot of sheep And scattered farms.  E one thing about the houses that looked different to me was the chimneys they had two or three tile like tubes sticking out.

Now Edinburgh is an interesting city.  At first I thought it was on a hill,  then I thought an old dried up river maybe around it.  But none of that appears to be true. So here is what I noticed.  The castle is high on one end and a mile down the main drag, royal mile is the palace.  From the palace we took an uphill trail to a nice high view of the city, this is where I was thinking okay nice hill goes down to old river area then up again on the other side where royal mile is, simple enough.  But when we try to get back from the one side it's not quite right it's like a stacked city.   So your walking and you look down a bridge and there's another street going perpendicular and its a bridge so under where we had just walked looks like houses and stores.  So what this place really looks like is giant tall buildings with different levels.  We noticed a tour sign about underground streets, so stay tuned hope I get the scoop on this strange city tomorrow.

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