Today we went and visited a few places. We started the day at a reindeer facility. They manage a herd in a national park here in north Scotland. We drove up to a hike in an area near a ski resort in the Cairnmore national park. We hiked a little way into a 1000 acre enclosure they use for the reindeer on and off and were able to feed the ones there. All the females had been released into the high part of the park for the summer with their calves, but the ones that were left are super neat. We were able to feed them, and pet them. Of course since they were hot, which is nuts since I was freezing, so they were shedding clumps of hair. Some fun facts is their hooves click when they walk so they can follow each other in a blizzard. And they don't get cold until -35 F.

After this place we went over to a battle field. Of course like the ones in the US it's a giant open area. There are some grave stones marking Clan members and memorial in the
center. They had the two lines marked with red and blue flags its amazing their front lines don't seem that far apart. You cant see the other side very well but you can at least see it.

After the battle field we followed a random sign to a Cairne, which is the Stonehenge like grave areas. This one had 3 sites with big stones and huge mounds. And there was another site near by we walked to that had another circle and then an area were they thought there may have been a chapel. Not sure how they figured that out looked like a lot of rocks in somewhat of a square but the Indian ruins in the US are more defined than this place was.
Here is a picture of a bridge that we could see from the stone cemetery. Tomorrow off to take the Hogwarts train.
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