Today we went to Conway, this is a costal town with a wall all the way around. We found out also why everything is so green. After such great weather the last week or so we finally got some heavy rain. Luckily we were prepared so rain gear and umbrellas ready we ventured out. We were able to walk along the wall about half the town, the rain was nice enough to take a break at that time. The views were awesome and being so high up i can see how it was definitely defensible. The town has a castle at its entrance. Other than the walls and towers it is mostly empty but very large.
It would have held a lot of people. Inside the walled town we also visited a wealthy persons house. This place was cool, it was all intact which is amazing. One place the tour took us was the upstairs to e bedrooms and attic.
The floors were just not even they sloped this way and that. They showed an originally kitchen with all the fixings that would have been there, and the fixings were actually real there were carrots and fresh herbs as well as eggs. They also had some stuffed animals showing what meat they would salt to preserve.
It would have held a lot of people. Inside the walled town we also visited a wealthy persons house. This place was cool, it was all intact which is amazing. One place the tour took us was the upstairs to e bedrooms and attic.
The floors were just not even they sloped this way and that. They showed an originally kitchen with all the fixings that would have been there, and the fixings were actually real there were carrots and fresh herbs as well as eggs. They also had some stuffed animals showing what meat they would salt to preserve.
The bay is rather interesting. The boats are built with stands underneath because when the tide goes out half the boats are in the sand.
After the town we went out to some gigantic gardens. They even had some red woods and they must have been there a while cause they were pretty big. The flowers were in full bloom and since it had rained all morning they had a great look to them. They had water features that had water Lillie's, and is trellised walk way with these long yellow flowers hanging down. It was like a yellow tunnel with a green backdrop and big black bumble bees as the accent. Wifi isn't working so ill have to upload pictures whenever we can get it going.
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