Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Stage 3 : Roncesvalles to Zubiri

We started our day at 7:45.  Very quickly we came across a small shop there we bought some fruit and yogurts.  The two utensil I packed on this trip were a pocket knife and spork.  We also packed Quinn's pocket knife but it got taken at the airport,  woops wrong bag. 

After a little bit we ran into some more of the crooked trees.  At one point the white trunks with bright green moss followed by a white highlight to the path was very neat looking.  So as your walking you really have to watch were you step.  Not only to avoid the sheep or horse poop, but also the slug like things or snails.  This guy was cruzing for a snail.

In the first village they really had a very clean architecture.  Everything was freshly painted looking and the colors were very crisp.  The most interesting feature was a water way that ran between the houses and the street.  Each house had a mini bridge to get to their door. One thing new I learned today is as you walk make sure you look behind you I found the view below of the little town very nice.

We crossed a few creeks today through out the day.  Each one had some different way to cross.  Next town wasn't that impressive but the church was sure different.  Between towns on this first section was a lot of grazing animals.  One pilgrim in front of us went up close to a fence to take a picture and a cow started to charge him.  The pilgram decided to back up.  Most of the aminals we saw had young with them so they are very protective.

Quinn was a little slower today so we had to stay entertained with the walking sticks and anything unique about the scenery.  Hes doing very well but likes to take lots of breaks.

The one thing I did notice more today were the flowers and the butterflies.  Along the way scattered everywhere are wild roses.  They are not big, more like the mini ones you can get.

We went thru about three towns today and finally had to go over a mountain to reach our destination.  This mountain had different trees, we are now have a mix of pines and oaks.  Looking at the book it said we had to climb 270m.  I think it was harder today because the feet and legs are getting tired.  I finally arrived at Zubiri at 2:15.

There was an old medieval bridge.  We checked into a private albergue, our room sleeps 8 and seems nice.  Two others in the room we have met before.  It's very cool how you continue to see the same people and here about there adventure for the day.  One gentleman from Texas told us about some sheep that decided to cross in front of him, the Ram that was I the group placed himself between him and the sheep.  

So after checking in we took the local sheeps cheese we had gotten, bought some bread, water, orange soda (I so needed sugar) and spanish omelet.  Then we went down to the river, layed out my shawl and sat on the banks enjoying the sun and eating a spanish snack.

Tomorrow we go to Pamplona.  It's about 25km and we to climb a total of 360m.  Allthough a sum of all the ups all these small hills add up by the end of the day.


Unknown said...

How great. I'm so tempted to do this...

Annette@CapableSoftware said...

Wow. I love the ram protecting the ewes from the Texan! :) The picnic sounded awesome. I so want to do this. Bob says he is interested in trying backpacking again. :)